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TRANSFORm your life by reclaiming your freedom & inner power

Online Course

module 3


BLOCK 1: Walking in your truth



What's your truth? 

We often think we know the truth. But we don’t. There are only two certainties in life and one is that we are born, the other is that we die. For the rest…. We cannot be 100% sure of most anything.


The truth is that there is no truth.


There is only ever YOUR truth. The truth from your point of view. That doesn’t have to be someone else’s truth. Most of the time it isn’t. And at other times it is really hard to define what the ‘real’ truth is.


YOUR truth, however, if you know how to recognise it, can become your beacon. Your true north. Your compass. The basis of your inner power.


Your inner knowing tells you what feels right and what feels wrong. That tells you if you BELIEVE this to be the truth and that not to be false. If we can learn to rely on our own inner truth, we cannot go wrong.


If we can accept that only our truth matters, why then is it so hard for us to walk in our truth?


Why is it so hard to do, feel, live the way we want to?


I think there are 3 important reasons for that:


  1. In the modern world, we have forgotten how to listen to our truth. We do not know how to tune in to it anymore.

  2. Others tell us their truth and our feelings of guilt, fear, shame, blame make us stop listening to our own truth.

  3. Along the way, we started listening to our heads more than to our hearts and the logic of the soul is oftentimes the opposite of our heart’s intelligence.


The good news is that we all have a perfectly working intuition. So you just have to Iearn how to get in touch with it again. Learning to tune into the responses of your body, you can start to feel your truths, connect to your inner power and start to live from your heart.


Let’s work on that for this week.


We will be doing a lot of journaling and tuning into our intuition.

Finding out how you want to FEEL, what you want to DO, and how to STAY with it.



Finding myself


“What is the greater risk? Letting go of what people think – or letting

go of how I feel, what I believe, and who I am?”


Brené Brown 


To be honest, that second thing is what I have been doing for a long time in my life. And I think I am not the only one.


Ever since I was young, I have felt out of place. My upbringing did not spark much self-confidence. I tried to look the part by acting cool and like I belonged. My enthusiasm and spark of joy were always genuine though. But in all honesty, I spoke too much, I spoke too fast (still do when I am out of alignment. Or really enthusiastic (-:), I said the wrong things at the wrong time out of awkwardness. I just thought I was- well not weird, but certainly out of place.


I brought that feeling with me in adulthood. I built myself up, created an image of who I thought I wanted to be. I tried to fit in. To be liked. To be normal. Most people would not notice there was anything ‘wrong’ with me. But I felt it deep inside. No matter how happy my life, how accomplished, how well-settled I was. I was just different.


Until I started tuning into my intuition.

At first, I noticed it was nothing new to me, I had done it as a child. Intuitively.

But I hid it away under a lot of layers. Trying to fit in. Trying not to be odd. Not to be different. I did follow my own spark, but that was because I had to break away from my background anyway. But there were large parts of my personality, thoughts, wishes, feelings that I kept deep inside.


The more my intuition developed, the more I felt at ease with who I really was. The more I became at ease with myself, the more I realised I had even hidden parts of me for myself. Parts I did not have access to before reappeared. And I started noticing the pieces of the puzzle coming back together. Everything I had previously thought was separate within me, matched up with other pieces of me.


I started to allow them coming back and started accepting and honouring myself more. Loving myself more. Starting to make decisions from my heart, not my mind. Bringing the pieces together. It has taken me over 10 years to feel how I feel now, but at the same time, I feel like I have always been whole.


I am still the odd one out. I have different ideas and a different worldview of most anyone I know.  But I am fine with it now. I know this is why my story happened the way it did: to push me into following my spark, so I can inspire others to do it too. 

I see now that my being different is my gift. And I am grateful for who I am and for what my path has been.



How about you?
Let's dive into your authenticity, your intuition.


In what areas of life are you suppressing your real self? 

In what areas of life are you purely authentic? 

In what relationships are you open and expressive? 

In what relationships are you suppressing your real self? 

If you stopped worrying about what others think or say, who would you be? 
How would that change your life?

What part of you, whether it is a strength, a gift, a story, are you still keeping in the dark and do you want to liberate?

What actions and behaviours would you need to express your authentic self?

What unique qualities (module 1, the VIA character test) could you use to be more you?

What is the one question you ask the universe more often than any other?


Let's do some journaling on this. 

Meditate for a bit first to connect with yourself. You can use my tuning in mediation.



Journaling on authenticity​


Proceed to exercise 01 in your module 3 workbook.

If you haven't done so please print it out, or use your own notebook.

Feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

A while back, when my youngest son was afraid about something he had to do at school, I asked him: do you know why a knight that challenges a dragon is brave? My son answered: “because he is not afraid”. I explained to him that that is not what being brave is about. I explained that the knight was brave, not because he felt no fear, but because he felt the fear and defeated the dragon anyway.


I think this is one of the biggest lessons I learned myself on my path to following my own spark.


I used to think other people felt no fear. Other people were braver. But I learned that everyone, no matter how powerful, successful, brave is afraid of something.



The power of vulnerability 

In order to be brave, we have to be vulnerable.

The biggest lessons come from not believing everything you think, like we discussed last week in module 2 and in pushing forward, even if we are afraid. We will learn more about that in module 4 too. 


I love this inspiring video in which Brené Brown talks about why being vulnerable is the key to living the life you deserve:













I like to repeat what Brené Brown found in her research results, because it is so profound:


 What whole-hearted people

(people that have a sense of worthiness)

have in common:




They have the courage to be imperfect.




They have the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others.





They have connection as a result of authenticity. They are willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they are.




They embrace

 vulnerability. They believe that what makes them vulnerable is what made them beautiful.





Finding your spark

We now see how important it is to be ourselves: our sense of love and belonging depend on it.


Finding your spark is not a privilege (at least not in the modern Western world), but it is a necessity. If you do not follow your own spark, you do not fully allow yourself to be loved and to belong. 


So let us look at your dreams now. Your soul mission. Perhaps you know already what it is, but have been keeping yourself back because of your limiting beliefs. Perhaps you do not know what it is, but want to find out.


Either way, if you took this course, there is a spark inside of you that wants to be released.

That wants to be set free and ignited.


What would you do if money didn't matter?

Let's watch this inspiring question in this speech by Alan Watts:



Look for the signs

The first thing you have to master if you are investigating this question "What do I desire?" is recognising it. If you want to find your soul mission, look for the following things:


  1. what is it that keeps on coming back to your mind. Even if you ignore it. Especially if you ignore it.

  2. What is it that reaches you from several directions. From your dreams, your passions, your talents (see the VIA test from module 1), the books you read, the music you hear, the things people say about you. The conversations you happen to overhear. In several synchronistic ways, you are always led back to that one thought, that one idea, that one subject.

  3. What is it you have been and keep on being enthusiastic about, maybe ever since you were a child.

  4. What is the one question you ask the universe more often than others.



Your soul mission

I believe we are all here with a reason. I believe we are all unique because we all have a special and unique gift to share. Unlearning what we learned, finding back what it is we came here to offer to me is the most important journey of our lives.


Some people know what they are supposed to do from a very young age. They just know, they always had a calling, they have very specific interests. Or they are so talented in one field, a prodigy even. Other people spend their lives trying to find out what it is they most want to do. Others even don’t think about it and go about their lives never thinking about it. Perhaps they have a mission already completed or one they oughtn't be aware of. Who knows.


But how about you? Wat sparks your fire. What lights your heart?



Journaling on your mission​


Proceed to exercise 02 in your module 3 workbook.




Your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal

The next step is combining what you are good at and your passion. Then you have your mission. This combination will possibly lead to a happy and fulfilling life.


But let’s have a look at your dreams in a BIG way. If you go one step further and combine what you are good at and what your passion is with what is needed in the world AND you try to make it as big as possible, you end up with your grand vision. Your Bhag.


A Bhag is a goal so BIG and DARING that is might scare you. You might have several goals in life, but your BHAG goes a step further. It is a dedicated goal with a bold mission and a high challenge. It is good if it scares you. Because if your dreams do not scare you they are way too far into your comfort zone (keeping yourself small?) and probably not the furthest you can reach.


A Bhag is BIG because it has a big impact on your life, very big, almost impossible is how big you are looking for.


A Bhag is HAIRY because it needs to be cuddly, endearing, inspiring. To other people, but mostly to you.


A Bhag is AUDACIOUS because it is really bold and ambitious, grand and perhaps might feel way out of your comfort zone, unreachable (but in your heart you know it isn't), cheeky and unapologetic.


A Bhag is a GOAL because the difference between a dream and a goal is a DATE.


All visionary companies set Bhag's, so why not you. Prepare to go bold in the next exercise.




Your Bhag​


Proceed to exercise 03 in your module 3 workbook.




Find your alignment

Now you have made your dreams BIG with your own personal Bhag. You know how to recognise your truth and the importance of how to be brave enough to follow it, but the reality of life is often less simple than that.


We constantly get thrown out of our newfound positive, brave mindset, we have an off-day and start believing all of our old stories again. Someone might have issues with your goals or challenge your big dreams.



There you are, back where you began. 


If this happens -and it will- remember last weeks' lesson of choosing love over fear: 

You always have a choice of how you want to feel. 


Doing that can be hard.

What helps is to become aware of your inner compass: your alignment.


I learned about alignment from my teacher Gabrielle Bernstein.

In alignment is when you tune into what feels good and natural to you. 

Out of alignment is when you feel anxious, drawn of energy, frustrated, overwhelmed.


Just listen to what you feel. Learn what activities, people, places, things bring you in alignment and what brings you out.


Tap into that inner power.

If you feel bad, see what made you feel bad (or who). What are you afraid of?

If you feel insecure, choose not to believe it. You know it's just a program.

If you feel out of whack, get back in.

If you feel fear, check what you would do without it.


You will always walk in your truth if you stay in alignment with yourself. 

And if you go out of alignment, learn to recognise it and then do something that brings you back into alignment. Talk to that one friend that always makes you laugh, play your piano, look at a sunset or drink your favourite tea. Anything that you have learned makes you feel aligned.


As a result of your newfound awareness, you will come back in alignment sooner. When we bring awareness to any area of our life, that’s when real healing begins to occur.



WORkbook exercise 04

Alignment exercise​


Proceed to exercise 04 in your module 3 workbook.


Welcome back to you

This week we did a lot of journaling and soul searching to find out who you are deep inside. Who you have always been. Who you want to be. We dived into your deepest wishes and your biggest dreams.


You know what it takes to become yourself and stay grounded.


And as for those goals, dreams and missions: you don't need to reach them directly tomorrow. But you are in on your way.


Next week I will show you how you can reach those goals step by step. How you can stay true to yourself, how you can push forward and commit yourself. 

For now, let's finish with one of my favourite tools to seal my decisions and to let sink into my subconsciousness my intentions and dreams: affirmations.


An affirmation is a positive mantra that you tell yourself every day. 

Seal your newfound insights about your authentic self and your dreams.



WORkbook exercise 05



Proceed to exercise 05 in your module 3 workbook



  closing meditation


Let's end with a closing meditation on bringing in more of

your light into your system.​






Taking the leap and deciding to start living from your inner power - The secret of taking small steps - Stepping out of your comfort zone: Feeling the fear but doing it anyway - Protecting yourself with energy work

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